NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Hearing Board of New Britain Borough
will hold a hearing on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Burkart Hall, 56 Keeley
Avenue, New Britain, Pennsylvania, to hear the application of:
Legacy 17 Industrial, LLC, which requests the following relief from the New Britain
Borough Zoning Ordinance to develop the property into a 2–story, 12,800 sq. ft. building to be
utilized for the permitted use of contractor services: a variance from Section 450–24.D(3) to
permit more than the impervious coverage permitted, from Section 450–24.D(4) to permit more
than the permitted building coverage, and from Section 450–42.E to permit less than the required
setback for parking. The subject property is located at 17 Industrial Drive (Parcel No. 25–2–207–
2) in the LI – Light Industrial Zoning District of the Borough.
The Board will also consider any other business that comes before it in due course. All
interested parties may attend this hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Persons with disabilities who wish to attend the hearing and require auxiliary aid, service
or other accommodation to participate in the hearing should contact New Britain Borough at
/s/ Christen G. Pionzio
Christen G. Pionzio, Esquire