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Tree City USA

New Britain Borough is a Tree City USA

New Britain Borough was first designated as a Tree City USA in 2018.

The Tree City USA program was founded in 1976 to celebrate towns
and cities committed to growing their urban canopy. Led by the Arbor
Day Foundation, with partners at USDA Forest Service and National
Association of State Foresters, it provides the foundational framework
necessary for communities to manage and expand their tree cover.



To qualify as a Tree City USA, and renew their Tree City status each year , a community must meet these four standards established by the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters:


  1. Maintain a tree board/commission/committee responsible for tree care within the municipality.
  2. Adopt a tree ordinance that outlines the planting, care, and protection of community trees.
  3. Spend at least $2 per capita on community trees (including municipal and grant funding, volunteer time, and in-kind donations) each year.
  4. Celebrate Arbor Day each year by issuing a proclamation and planting trees.


The Tree City USA initiative in the Borough is overseen by the Borough’s Shade Tree Commission. Check out the Shade Tree Commission’s page on the Borough website for more about what our Shade Trade Commission is doing to care for, and increase the number of, street trees in the Borough.


Links to Resources:

Tree City USA website