The Borough Roadmaster is responsible for maintaining the good working order of Borough roadways, traffic signals, and stormwater systems.
Please contact the Borough office by phone @ 215-348-4586 or by email, to report any potholes or other major roadway issues. Please Note: Butler Avenue (Old Route 202) is a state road managed by PennDOT. To report problems / potholes along this road please call 1-800-349-7623.
Traffic Information
The 511 Pennsylvania Website is part of a statewide travel information service which provides reliable real-time traffic, weather and transit information to travelers to reduce congestion, and improve safety and mobility in Pennsylvania.
In addition to their website, the 511 telephone service provides travelers with real-time traffic conditions anywhere they have access to a phone. This free service can be accessed from most locations in the state. If you are unable to reach 511 Pennsylvania, your telephone carrier may not yet support this new service. Callers can still access 511 Pennsylvania by dialing 1-877-511-PENN (7366).