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Community & Business Committee

Meeting Time

The Community & Business Committee meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in Burkart Hall located at 56 Keeley Avenue.


The Community and Business Committee advises Borough Council on matters related to economic and community development.


  1. Work with Borough management and local business owners to help facilitate economic development and positive business relations within the Borough in order to meet the needs and enhance the quality of life for both residents and visitors.
  2. Help attract new industry and businesses to the Borough.
  3. Support, and work to retain, existing businesses and services in the Borough.


The Community and Business Committee’s membership is comprised of up to five (5) Borough residents and up to five (5) owners of businesses in the Borough, as well as a non-voting Council liaison.

Committee Members

Council Liaison: Steve Ascher

Borough Manager:  John Wolff

Resident Members:

  • David Holewinski (President of New Britain Civic Association) (2024)
  • Vacant (2023)
  • Tess LaMontagne (2024)
  • Alexander G. Bentrim (2024)


Business Members:

  • Vacant
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

 Agendas and Minutes