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Nature Preserve Committee

Meeting Time

The Nature Preserve Committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM in Burkart Hall located at 56 Keeley Avenue.


The Nature Preserve Committee advises Borough Council on all matters pertaining to the Wilma Quinlan Nature Preserve (WQNP).


1. Oversee and conduct the regular maintenance, management, and improvement of the WQNP.

2. Periodically review, update, and present to Borough Council, a strategic plan for the long-term stewardship of the WQNP.

3. Prepare an annual budget for the WQNP and advise Borough Council on any recommended expenditures from the Groner funds.

4. Establish rules and regulations for the WQNP.


The Nature Preserve Committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) members, who do not need to be Borough residents. There is no cap on the number of members. One member of Council may be appointed as the Council liaison, who may serve as a voting member. No more than three members of Council may be members.


Committee Members

Council Liaison: Tom Price

Chair: Tom Price (2024)

Vice Chair: Bob Klingele

Secretary: Diann Smith

AAC Rep:


  • Bob Klingele (2026)
  • Marge Eberz (2025)
  • Peter Nelson (2023)
  • Diann Smith (2026)
  • Bob Binkley (2024)
  • Will Connolly (2025)
  • Peter LaMontagne (2024)
  • Brett Rogowski (2026)

Agendas and Minutes